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PPO 2500: As expressed in its name the deductible for this coverage is much higher with $2500 for individual and $5000 for a family. The copay for hospitalization is the same as the other two plans discussed before, however the doctor copay varies with $25 for office visits and $45 for specialists. Out-of-pocket maximum is $5000 for individual and $10000 per family, and prescription drug coverage ranges from $15 to $40 dollars.

PPO 5000: Premiums for this plan are much lower than all the other ones simply because it has a high deductible in case of using the services. If you choose this plan you will have a deductible of $5000 for individual and $10000 for family. Your office visits will also be $25 with a higher cost of $40 for specialists. Hospitalization is also 20% after the deductible and prescription coverage also ranges from $15 to $40. The out-of-pocket maximum is much higher however, with $7500 individual and $15,000 per family accordingly.

PPO Value 2500: This plan offers you moderately high out of pocket expenses and copays, but the moderate monthly premiums balance it out. The office visits vary because for your 1st and 2nd visit you will only pay $30, however after the 3rd visit you will be charged 30% after you pay your deductible. The deductible is $2500 for individual and $5000 for family, while the out-of-pocket maximum is $5000 for individual and $1000 for family respectively. Once again we see the prescription coverage divided into three tiers with the copays of $15, $35 and $50 respectively.

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